Thursday 1 October 2009


OPERATING ROOM (May 19- July 20, 2008)

It took me a lot of time and encouragement, and ‘courage’ in order to decide as to where should I avail the Basic Skills Enhancement Training Program- to BMC, or to a Private hospital. It was a soft time, when just everything happens as it happen, I enrolled in BMC. FOUR MONTHS later, I found myself thankful of that four months I spent at the hospital that I LEARNED TO LOVE.

The anxiety in having been assigned directly at a special area was immense; it’s like, starting from a scratch. But it was a fresh start, it wasn’t as difficult as it looked. Wasn’t as complicated as a surgical operation seems to be. I started from the basic skills and have progressed to more advanced procedures, from OR NOTES CHARTING to NEWBORN CARE to being the CIRCULATING and SCRUB NURSE. I seldom made mistakes, because I really try to provide quality nursing care, “the first time, every time” I have my senior nurses and supervising nurse to correct me every time I commit mistakes. Such correction from them meant a lot, And such unavoidable mistakes really made me learn, so much as to not repeat those mistakes twice. I learned to cope with my colleagues, how to manage their weakness, and try to correct them politely of that undesirable trait. I learned to deal with death, and dying, as I encounter several life threatening emergencies, and deal with the joy and the pain in reviving, or not reviving a patient’s life. The OR TECHNIQUE was really practiced, even at the gravest possibility- the shortage of surgical gloves and stuffs. I learned to love the OR NURSE job, I really can say being an OR NURSE is my destiny….

ORTHO/ ENT/ OPTHA WARD (July 21- August 31, 2008)

From a special area to a ward, it wasn’t easy adapting the new environment, but we learned to adjust. I practiced very well the administration of medicines, NPI, and most of the nursing procedures including, IV insertion, BT, etc. I had an opportunity to share with the student nurses my own learning by providing every learning opportunity to the student nurses that is in the ward. The satisfaction I get from doing the job that is far more expected to a nurse fellow is more than any paycheck I can get. The smiles from the patients, the students whom I know I have made a mark in their lives, my colleagues who appreciated my warm presence, Is just of some things to mention I my stay at BMC.


Be firm in schedules and adhere to it consistently. Further encourage trainees to voice out whatever their concerns at the nursing training office. Have more time for socializations… nurses need breaks =) more stress management updates

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